Monday, October 20, 2008

Shelby Rae

Our little Shelby was born on her Grandpa's birthday so she is very lucky. She is a total corn ball, she loves preschool, she loves to dance (although she would do a lot better if she would stop staring at her self in the mirror). She is very good at coloring. She loves to be out doors riding 4-wheelers or her bike or running around with her little brother causing trouble.
We love watching old Disney shows together or doing craft projects.


Kristin said...

Yay! You did it!! Too much fun. Your kids are too cute. Our blog is Glad you finally joined the blog world :)

Genessa said...

Great job Holly blogging is great. If you want to change you background to the custom made ones all you have to do is go to my page and up at the top it says the cutest blog on the block. Click that and it will have lots of backgounds click on the one that you like and copy the code. go to layout and under the side tool bars add a gadget and add the one that says html. Then paste it without the title. Hope that helps.
My blog address is